5th World Record Attempt Scheduled April 2

Boise is hosting its first FIRST Robotics Regional competition at the Taco Bell Arena at BSU next weekend. It’s basically a competitive sporting event for academics. On April 2nd, after the 9AM morning rounds and before the Alliance selection (right before lunch), I’ll be talking to these motivated high school students about the importance of working hard, maintaining a positive mindset and some of the setbacks I once faced in a robot competition.Blindfold speed juggling cheeta

I’ll then attempt a Guinness World Record to claim title to the World’s Fastest Blindfolded Juggler. “Most juggling catches in a minute blindfolded (three balls)”.

The event is free and open to the public. Come watch these students and their robots compete and catch the juggling show around 10:45.

This record combines elements from two other records: blindfold and speed. It’s also the first record I’ll be attempting that’s new to Guinness (meaning there isn’t a person’s record I’m trying to beat, just a baseline of 250 catches in a minute). That makes sense, as there are probably only a handful of people in the world who can regularly juggle for a full minute blindfolded, let alone fast.

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