01 David and Astronaut Steve Swanson were the 2 presenters in the Simplot Ballroom at the Boise State Engineering and Science Festival02 practice run before the show03 Warm up before the show04 Explaining Order of Events to the Team05 Giving Directions06 Gballs N8 Juggling Balls used to set the record07 Mic securing by Jonathan08 Introduction by Amy Moll, Dean of Engineering and BSU09 Introduction by Amy Moll10 Warming Up Right before going on State11 Show Intro12 Timekeeper David Taking Photo13 Witnesses and Timekeepers During Intro14 Audience During Intro15 Audience During Intro16 Audience During Warmup17 David During Prelim Run18 Audience During Prelim Run19 David During Prelim Run20 Witnesses During Prelim Run21 Timers During Run22 Audience During Run23 David During Run24 David Right Before Breaking Record25 David Right After Time Expired26 Audience Celebrating28 Audience Celebrating Record Broken29 Show After Record Breaking30 Timer David M Editing Video for SlowMo Playback31 David R During Show After Record Broken32 David R During Show After Record Broken33 Timers and Witnesses During Show After Record Broken34 David Balancing Ladder During Show35 David Balancing and Knife Juggling During Show36 David and Witnesses Counting Catches on SlowMo Video37 Witnesses Counting Catches During SlowMo Playback38 Audience Counting Catches During Slow Mo Playback39 Audience Counting Catches During Slow Mo Playback40 Witnesses and Timekeepers Filling out Final Paperwork41 Photos and Autographs After Show42 Witness and Timer Team: L to R. Greg Alexander, George Mulhern, Amy Moll, David Rush, Matt Freeman, Jeremy Cramer, Steve Gilliam, David Murray, Jennifer Rush (Photographer, not pictured)
Promoting STEM education through my story and juggling