Jedi Fire Knight

This is the first successful record attempt I’ve made since I busted my ribs in 3 places about a month ago. It feels good to get back into record-breaking mode and to get this record back.

Taking my record back!

Last time I broke this record I got 67 catches in one minute. I did drop the sword once or twice as well. My record had been surpassed by a mark of 104 catches since.

I ended up with a nearly clean run and 136 catches in one minute (more than doubling my previous mark!) when slow-motion footage confirmed the final spin wasn’t caught in time.

The one big clarification Guinness provided is that a glove can be worn during the attempt. That makes it quite a bit easier. Unfortunately, that didn’t save the hair on the top of my head during one record attempt mishap went the sword hit my thin spot.

It took 2 days of attempts since the small muscle in my arm got too fatigued on day one and I had to give up.

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