Easy-Peasy 49


Is that the number of Guinness World Records now broken or the number of peas individually skewered and eaten with a toothpick in one minute?


Today dozens of high school girls and women mentors gathered at BSU for the SheTech Explorer Day, a hands-on tech conference for high school girls. Put on by W.IN Women Innovators.

I gave a short talk about Growth Mindset, Grit, and STEM education as well as told a few stories about my wife’s journey to becoming a woman in engineering and some of the challenges she faced. I then attempted to break my 49th Guinness World Record. This time for “most peas eaten in 30 seconds with a cocktail stick” (toothpick). The previous record was 40 peas eaten in 30 seconds.

I had been practicing for this record for several months with some strange looks from some folks walking by at lunchtime as I hunched over a plate of peas and rapidly stabbed then individually with a toothpick and shoved them in my mouth.

Thanks to the team!


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