Running Late with the Kids

As a parent, have you ever been running late with the kids? If so, I’ve found the solution: the fastest 10-meter shuttle running pushing a pram (stroller).

I’ve had this record application open for a couple of years but needed someone to do it with me. I couldn’t use my kids because they were both too young and too small. As I was looking for a record to break over Labor Day Weekend, I ran across this one again and realized the minimum weight for the rider was 20 kg. My 5-year-old just passed that mark! He’s also a dare-devil and up for an adventure.

Despite the fact that he had already fallen out of the stroller once on Saturday, (riding backward after viewing the Spirit of Boise Balloon take off early in the morning), I decided we should go for it. I decked him out in long pants, knee pads, elbow pads, gloves, wrist guards, and a helmet.

After a few dozen practices and attempts, we had a top mark of 10.04 seconds in the 10-meter shuttle run to take down this Guinness World Records title shaving a third of the previous mark of 15 seconds.

The stroller has to start broken down and on the ground, the person has to be on it before crossing the start line, and then you have to cross the 10-meter line before turning around, crossing back over the start line, and collapsing the stroller down again.

I’m not going to say this technique is actually going to save you any time getting anywhere with your kids as it took 10 times as long to get all the safety gear on as it did to actually make the run, but it sure was fun!

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