I wanted to show these students that if they believe they can get better at anything (growth mindset) and put in the hard work to get better, they can accomplish anything. 200 meters later (covered in 3 minutes 39 seconds), I gave them a proof-point. I broke the Guinness World Record for “Farthest distance walked balancing a lawnmower on the chin (not powered)” by 78 meters. The previous record was 122 meters. The lawnmower was not on, as per the rules, but it still weighed 22 lbs.
While this isn’t the most practical record, it may be in the future when I’m looking to mow the “green” ceilings of grass, hands-free.
Thanks to everyone who helped out to make this possible including the witnesses, timekeepers, videographers, photographers, the track teams and coaches and my wife!

Congratulations again ?. Great job. Would have been fun to see in person. Love you, Mom