Today’s record was the 2-person version of the one I broke on December 31st of 2018 while in Costa Rica: Fastest time to bounce 5 ping pong balls into 5 pint glasses (team of two). Mike Hagman was up for the challenge.
Mike isn’t new to Guinness World Records as he once supervised a project while at SAP to be recognized as having the largest database in the world. I’m glad he finally broke a record he can be proud of. I have to say, from the time we started practicing together was months… wait, no, minutes, yes, minutes of practice before we broke it. To be fair, I practiced up for the record 7 months ago and I had to land 3 balls and he only did 2, but he was more consistent in getting them into his cups that I was into mine.

The first time we thought we broke the record we realized we didn’t say stop after the last ball which is required. We had to do it again. The previous record was 5.35 seconds and we got 2.52 seconds.