Category Archives: World Records


Today I broke 2 world records at the grand opening of the new RCN headquarters in Knoxville, Tennessee. Both were a sweet victory because of the long history and multiple failed attempts.

The first was for the fastest time to pop 200 balloons with a nail. I first applied for this record on June 20 of 2016. It’s one of my oldest Guinness Word Record applications. I have tried to schedule it at multiple venues but have had cancellations multiple times from latex allergies. I also made an attempt as a middle school in Massachusetts but was slower than the 33-second current record because the wall was uneven and balloons were popping off the wall. Today, I nailed it. (Pun intended). The previous record was just over 33 seconds. Let this video speak for itself.

The previous record of 33.74 seconds was surpassed by a run of 14.77 seconds. I had a couple of bobbles but I’m still pretty thrilled with the outcome. I was especially thankful for all the help since it took 20 people a lot longer than 14.77 seconds to set up.

The outside help. There were more inside blowing up balloons.
Knocking off cans. 2nd Guinness World Record of the day

I then attempted the record for the fastest time to topple 5 targets with a pump-action foam dart gun. I practiced over fifty times today and was feeling confident. After gathering a group of people to watch, the gun barrel stopped revolving creating multiple misfires. I made several attempts, and every time there was a misfire (the barrel wouldn’t rotate so it was dry firing). I was getting discouraged because the last time I attempted this record it was disqualified because my measurement pictures were blurry.

I almost gave up until Jameson of RCN called the local Target and got the exact model of gun that was pre-approved on hold. We took the drive came back and the previous record of 7.77 seconds fell with a time of 3.94 seconds. It wasn’t quite as easy as all that since the replacement gun pulled hard to the right. After a couple of attempts, I aimed hard left of the cans and knocked all 5 down in 5 shots.

Darts help and audience who stuck it out after the first gun broke and we had to run to Target

Tasting Victory

This may be the most unique record I’ve broken. It’s also nowhere near as fun as it sounds. The Guinness World Records Title is for “Most flavours of ice cream identified in one minute (blindfolded)”. It took me well over a year from start to finish to break it. I purchased at least 50 different flavors to get a combination of 14 that would work. In the end, I was able to identify 11 in one minute. I will say, my wife was ready to have her freezer back.

David Rush of Boise, Idaho attempts a Guinness World Records of tasting and identifying ice cream while blindfolded. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon

Practice requires at least 2 people. When I practice alone and know the flavor of ice cream, I can taste the flavor immediately. When I don’t know the flavor, sometimes I never taste it.

Chocolate chip cookie dough is also one of the easiest flavors to identify, and one of the worst to have in the lineup. As soon as you get a chunk of cookie dough in the mouth, you can’t get it out, and everything tastes like cookie dough. Coffee flavors are also easy to get (so long as you only have one) but they are overpowering. Most fruits also taste the same. The senses are also dulled with the pressure of one minute on the clock.

The previous record was 11 and I tied it since I got “Java” out as the 12th flavor before time expired but “chip” wasn’t spoken until time expired.

Defying Gravity (x2)

The Boise Tech Show was a flying success put on by Fishers Technology. Thanks for having me out to provide a little entertainment, promote STEM education, talk about the power of a growth mindset, and make a Guinness World Record attempt.

This one was for the “Most catches [of tennis balls] in 30 seconds while standing on a Swiss ball”. The previous record was 36. Jonathan Hannon and I have been practicing for a couple of months and it still took us 3 tries to complete a legal run (the legs had to be straight, had to catch with alternating hands, can’t fall off, etc).

Video summary of attempt
Jonathan prepares the balls for the Guinness World Record at the 2019 Boise Tech Show in Boise, Idaho on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon

We warmed up back stage which was a good thing since it was harder to balance the ball on the board than on his hardwood floor.

Juggler David Rush and Jonathan warm up before the Guinness World Record at the 2019 Boise Tech Show in Boise, Idaho on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon

I was wobbling all over the place but Jonathan kept the balls coming quick.

GIF of throw and catching by Richard Alan Hannon
Juggler David Rush of Boise, Idaho catches tennis balls as he makes a Guinness World Record attempt while balancing atop a Swiss ball on stage at the 2019 Boise Tech Show in Boise, Idaho on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon
Juggler David Rush of Boise, Idaho catches tennis balls as he makes a Guinness World Record attempt while balancing atop a Swiss ball on stage at the 2019 Boise Tech Show in Boise, idaho on Thursday, May 16, 2019. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon
Juggler David Rush of Boise, Idaho celebrates the Guinness World Record. Photo by Richard Alan Hannon

A Precarious Position

Today I has the honor of presenting the breakfast keynote at the International Associate of Venue Managers Region IV Conference in Boise, Idaho.

Selfie with the Guinness team and the conference attendees. Thanks for the help and support!

I juggled, balanced, and told my story of failure after failure. I didn’t let failure define me, however, and each time I failed I bounced back and learned from my mistakes.

I closed the presentation by making a live Guinness World Record attempt on stage. It’s always a bit risky to try a GWR live, but I decided to go for it after a few months of practice.

The record was for longest duration juggling whilst standing on a Swiss ball. I’ll admit, standing on the Swiss ball doesn’t make the juggling much harder. Juggling, however, makes balancing on a Swiss ball MUCH more difficult. I was shocked how difficult learning to balance on a Swiss ball was compared to the balance board or unicycle. The first time I tried getting on the Swiss ball I just about broke my toe falling off. Today, it took me 3 tries to even get on it.

It took me 3 tries just to get on the ball

The previous time to beat was 7-minutes 30 seconds. I made it 10 minutes 51 seconds before my feet got so sweaty they slipped off and the attempt was over.

Feet slipping off the sides of the ball

For the first 7 and a half minutes, you could hear a pin drop. After I broke the record I opened it up for Q&A and was able to take my mind off the pain in my feet muscles by answering questions from the audience.

Taking Q&A
Jumping off
Celebrating the new record

Pain in the Neck

Check out Maker Space. It’s a ” member-driven community-oriented space where you can make your project using a variety of tools “. They were having a fundraiser and I said I’d set a record to spice it up a little.

Witnesses doing their jobs

The record attempt was a literal pain in the neck. I first attempted it in January of 2018 and thought I’d broken it was a 46-minute run balancing a 2.5 lb hoe on my forehead besting the Guinness minimum of 30 minutes. Little did I know that a week prior a 1-hour 1-minute attempt would be approved after my attempt, invalidating mine.

Hands on the hips

Here I am over a year later and this time I went for 1 hour 15 minutes 15 seconds. It was a lot more painful than I remember last time. I was hurting after just 6 minutes. Fortunately, I had some good conversations, and finally realized I could spit instead of gagging on my saliva (you can’t swallow while looking straight up it turns out).

Standing on one leg to shake it up
A little stiff at the end


TEDx Boise was phenomenal! Taking flight was the theme and the speakers shared their moving stories. I had three records to break and they all involved flight.

If you had asked me if I could have broken one Guinness World Record as a kid I would have told you I would love to but didn’t think I could. Today I broke my 100th!

More accurately, I broke my 98th, 99th, and 100th Guinness World Record Titles! I started with a short talk about my STEM story and how I wasn’t smart enough for the gifted program to an MIT graduation in electrical engineering.

Chris Knight and I then went after the record for most ping pong balls caught in one minute with chopsticks. The previous record was 32 but we have been practicing. Even with a couple of bobbles and a dropped ball with a few seconds left, we got 82 in one minute.

Next up was the fastest time to transfer a 20-pound weight hand to hand 100 times. It took a couple of tries but I passed the previous mark with 100 transfers in 14.9 seconds.

Last up was a big celebration for my 100th Guinness World Record attempt. Most lit candles in the mouth. They were all stuffed in my mouth and had to be lit for 30 seconds while only held with my mouth. The flames danced and the wax poured but I made it 30 seconds with 100 candles in my mouth!

On Target

Today I spoke at the Wisconsin Technology Association about Private LTE and then gave an update on the state of 5G. I had an intermission juggling performance and storytelling of why I break world records between the two and finished off with an official Guinness World Record attempt.

Reloading after the first shot

The attempt today was a repeat of a record I previously held of most target hits with a foam dart gun in one minute. The target had to be less than 25 cm and placed over 5 meters away. The gun has to be a single shot that much be cocked before every shot. Last time I went after the record it stood at 11 hits. I got 16. Ashrita Furman took it back with 17.

On my first attempt, I got 17 hits. On the second I got less. On my third attempt, I got 19 hits breaking the record. I was hoping to get a few more and tried a few more times but wasn’t consistent enough for an entire minute to crack 20. I suspect I’ll be coming back to this one again in a few months.

High fives
19 hits and a few misses

Thanks to the team!

Spinning Out of Control

Today’s record fit squarely in the easy category. It’s now much more difficult. The minimum mark set by Guinness was 11 minutes 57 seconds for the longest duration spinning a flying disc. It had to be on one hand but you could switch fingers (so long as it kept spinning and didn’t touch anything except one hand).

I was shooting to break the record and at least make it to 15 minutes. Six minutes in my thumb started to cramp and I wasn’t sure how long I was going to make it very long. I was standing in the back of a business review conference with 2 cameras on me and was able to switch fingers to give my thumb a break. It gave me a second wind and I kept going.

I had a hard stop 1 hour 35 minutes in to take a conference call but by the time I made it there, I didn’t want to stop. I got my headset on and kept going. I then took another conference call.

It wasn’t until three hours two minutes fifteen seconds (3:02:15) that the Frisbee spun and hit my shirt that the record attempt ended.

I was spinning at just over 110 revolutions per minute for over three hours. That means I made over 20,000 revolutions in a row. My arm and fingers felt super weird when I finally stopped but not in too much pain.

High Stakes

I broke this record once last year with 100 poker chips balanced on a single finger. It was broken by serial record breaker Silvio Sabba a few months later with 102 chips. I decided to break it back by a bit more and went for 125. The fact that 1 chip fell off and I only got 124 doesn’t disappoint me.

Balancing the chips

I did drop all the chips on the table a few times because an official attempt is always more nerve-wracking than practice and shaking and balancing 125 free-stacked poker chips do not go well together.

Fist pump after holding the balance for over 5 seconds

At one point Jeremy decided to help so he knocked down an entire stack of chips. I’m just glad he didn’t hit the stack I had made.

Flying Food

It was another successful Guinness World Record attempt at the annual Cradlepoint partner conference. This one wasn’t quite as hard as last year (most juggling backcrosses in one minute), but it wasn’t nearly as easy as I expected. It turns out that the force of throwing a hot dog sausage 100 feet is enough to destroy a typical hot dog bun.

Open Bun Waiting
Jake Letting the Dog Fly

Fortunately, Jake Smith and I spend the morning practicing throwing and catching hot dogs in buns in sunny San Diego (rather unsuccessfully, I might add, much to the delight of the hovering seagulls). I made a trip to the store to Trader Joes to secure studier buns and Michelle O. made sure the dogs were provided (thank you!).

Getting into Position

The previous record was just shy of 69 feet. We broke it on our very first try much to our surprise. We market it out and decided we’d see if we could beat it. About 10 throws later we got our best result at 105 feet 4 inches! It had to be a clean catch and not touch anything except the bun after leaving Jake’s hand.

Catching the Dog

It also had to be cooked, be over 5.5 inches (and less than 7), and take place on level ground.

I hope Mark Brunell doesn’t mind losing this record (I doubt it as he has a Super Bowl ring…) It was great to hear world champion surfer Shaun Tompson today and have him at the event.

World champion surfer, keynote speaker, author, entrepreneur, and engaging conversationalist – Shaun Tompson
High Five with Jake!

Thank you to all who made this possible including Jake Smith (congrats on your first GWR!), Stoney, Mary, Chris, Mauricio, Ken, Eric, Michelle, Jessica, Jen, Alex, Cradlepoint, and several more!