Over 6,000 miles and hundreds of training runs later, I can now claim to be the world’s fastest man***
***while juggling blindfolded.
Usain Bolt, nor any other person on the face of the planet can claim to run the 100m dash faster than me while juggling blindfolded. I completed the distance in 16.29 seconds beating the Guinness minimum mark of 20 seconds. (I didn’t create this record, but no one has ever been able to break it).
I broke this record to celebrate Guinness World Record’s Day 2021 (celebrated Nov. 17). I had 3 records featured in the official Guinness Video starting at 15:50 including last week’s record for most consecutive axe juggling catches and this one.
But I’ve been trying to break this record since I first applied for it in August of 2017. I’ve made other official attempts at it with the team but I was never able to complete the 100 meters with my eyes blindfolded while staying in my lane. Yes, Guinness World Records requires the participant to stay in the lane.
I have the record for the fastest mile run while juggling blindfolded (which I also can’t really believe I broke) but I didn’t have to stay in my lane for that one. While breaking it, I completed a 1/3 mile stretch without dropping a ball (drops were allowed and I made 10, but you had to go back to where you dropped it, don the blindfold, and start again). Running 100 meters juggling blindfolded is well within my skill range.
For the 100 meter dash, the main challenge for me was staying in my lane. The other impossible part of it is accelerating quickly since I have to throw the balls forward and catch up to them. Running at a constant speed isn’t nearly as hard since I just juggle normal and the balls and body are moving at the same speed relative to each other. I did lots of sprint starts juggling with my eyes closed to prepare for this one.
It took 22 fails but I finally completed the 100 meters juggling while staying in my lane. But as we were collecting evidence I discovered that all 6 videographers had shut off their cameras after the run was complete. Guinness requires all evidence to be gathered on one continuous shot. I may have been able to make a case since the blindfold was inspected before the run but the measuring on the lane width was on a separate shot. (I was allowed to increase the width to 48 inches per IAAF rules since the high school track I was using only had 40-inch lanes, and I needed the extra 8 inches!
What’re a few more tries after over 6,000 miles of training? After a few more attempts, my goal of over 5 years was complete with a run of 16.29 seconds!

What kid didn’t watch the Olympics growing up dreaming of being the fastest man in the world? I found a way, even if I did have to make it the most niche category there is?