I finally reclaimed this record I first broke in 2017. When I put the lawnmower on my chin at the Cradlepoint partner summit the first time, the record stood at just over 5 minutes. When I took it off, the new record was 5 minutes 32 seconds.
That mark was surpassed so in 2019 I used a powered lawnmower with the engine off to attempt this record but it was disqualified because Guinnesses decided the non-powered category had to be a non-powered lawnmower, not just a mower not powered on.

That 9 minutes 15 seconds was surpassed anyway so this time I had to beat 13 minutes 7 seconds to reclaim the record.
My stretch goal was 17 minutes and my mega-goal was 20. The first 13 minutes were very painful but when I got to about 15 minutes, while still incredibly painful, I went into the zone. The world seemed to fade away and I felt like I could go longer than I previously thought possible.
When Michael from Guinness awarded me the certificate on the TODAY Show I felt an enormous sense of pride knowing I had achieved more than I previously thought was possible.