Who knew fire swords were even a thing. I’ve often been asked if I’ve juggling flaming knives. I used to answer… “I juggling knives, and I juggle flaming torches, but they’re not the same thing.” Now I can say, “Well, yes I have.”
While on vacation at Camp Perkins nearly Stanley, Idaho (which has 270 days of the year drop below freezing) I broke the world record for “most throws and catches of a fire sword catches in 1 minute” (and 30 seconds while I was at it). The previous record was 62 and I got 64 catches (and 28 was beat by 29 in my first 30 seconds… 30 seconds of practice sure helped me a lot) even with multiple drops and a singed finger. (I really should have practiced more with fire and accounted for the wind).

I lit the stage on fire once (the lighter fluid dripped on stage and when I dropped the sword it caught fire).

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