I finally decided how to get outside, keep people a proper distance away, AND break a Guinness World Records Title during the shutdown.
I took my fire sword!

I went for the Guinness World Record’s Title for most catches in 30 seconds with a fire sword. The previous record was 28 (my attempt over last summer for 1 minute was approved but for reasons that may never be understood, the 30-second version with 31 catches was disqualified).

I went out to the cul-de-sac across the street, the neighbors came out of their houses and lines the cul-de-sac maintaining proper distance. And then I started flipping the 20-inch wick lit with liquid charcoal lighter fluid making complete 360 degree turns nearly twice a second.

I don’t have much hair left on the back of my right hand, but my skin is still intact other than where the hand-washing has left it so dry the skin has split.
I’m pretty sure this won’t be the last record attempt during the lockdown.
Thanks to the neighbors who came out Dee, Charles, Kari and Jonathan!
Picked up by national news aggregation site as well: