My wife broke her first Guinness World Records title! “Most t-shirts put on in one minute (team of 2)”. I really think she should have gotten credit for the fastest time to wrap a person in cling wrap as she was a major participant in that record, but alas, it was only recognized as a one-person record.
After practicing up to win the #GWR challenge for the fastest time to put on 10 t-shirts, it was only fitting (pun intended) to try on this record for size. The previous record was 31 t-shirts and since I can put on 1 in under 16 seconds, I figured we should be able to break this one.

Since it was a 2-person record, Jennifer was allowed (and required) to help me put on each shirt. She had a slick motion where she would catch the shirt coming down over the back of my neck and in one swift motion pull it down my back. She didn’t get in the way of my flailing arms, and pulled straight down so I didn’t have to worry about pulling down the back and it didn’t add too much pressure so I could pull straight down on the front at the same time.

It ended up being a bit harder than I expected for two reasons. The first is that I didn’t have enough of the easy to put on t-shirts. I had to use the ones from the bottom of the dirty laundry barrel that didn’t stretch, were too tight, were too long, or otherwise were harder to put on. The other thing that makes it harder is that once you have a bunch of shirts on, getting the last ones on is even harder. It doesn’t help to have supper big and baggy shirts either since they get caught on one another and also make me grow faster.
The biggest surprise to me though was how out of breath I was at the end. It is an absolutely exhausting minute. I’m working pretty hard to put on and pull down each shirt and as I add more, the bending becomes harder since there’s so much more resistance. And then when I’m done, there’s a ton of pressure on my chest making my lungs hard to expand. Fortunately, we pulled this one off with 32 t-shirts pulled below the waist in one minute beating the previous record by 1.
Congratulations to my wife! And thanks to Hollywood Hannon for timing, witnessing, and commentating.