Opportunity to Improve on TODAY

Today on TODAY I found an opportunity to improve. It’s often called failure by folks in what Stanford Psychologist calls a fixed mindset. But in the growth mindset, a failure is an opportunity to learn and improve. I had 3 chances on national television and 1 off camera to attempt to break the blindfold speed juggling record, but I couldn’t keep the adrenaline rush from nerves under control. Adrenaline and fine motor control do not mix. I made it 50 seconds and 335 catches the last try (but needed to his 364 for the record… just needed a few more seconds).

I’ll be back again to break this one soon.

Check out the video here.



Visiting with Hoda and Billy
Visiting with Hoda and Billy

Blindfolded juggling

Blindfolded juggling

Attempting to recover
Attempting to recover
Hug from Hoda as Consolation
Hug from Hoda as Consolation


Jeremy practicing to host



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