This week I start my 2019 series on “The World’s Fastest Juggling”. I have about a dozen official Guinness World Record attempts planned for this series. The first will be one of the “easiest” as no one has ever been able to break the Guinness minimum mark of 200 catches of 3 NBA Basketballs in one minute.
I’ve been working on it for a few months and made an official attempt at the Lake Hazel Library here in Boise, Idaho this week after speaking to about 75 kids and parents about the power of a growth mindset and the importance of STEM education.
I’m honestly surprised the record-a-week basketball-juggling-as-his-profile picture Josh Horton hasn’t tried this one. I didn’t put nearly as much effort into this one as for the rest of the dozen attempts I have planned so I’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t at least make a run at this one.
This was my 3rd year breaking a record for the summer reading series at the Lake Hazel Library. I actually made 2 different record attempts but the first was unsuccessful even though I’m the previous record holder and the new record was only one more that I achieved previously.
There are certainly important things to keep in mind and try to get over 200 catches per minute while juggling 3 basketballs, but I’ll let those trying to break this figure it out.
Good luck!
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