Check out Maker Space. It’s a ” member-driven community-oriented space where you can make your project using a variety of tools “. They were having a fundraiser and I said I’d set a record to spice it up a little.

The record attempt was a literal pain in the neck. I first attempted it in January of 2018 and thought I’d broken it was a 46-minute run balancing a 2.5 lb hoe on my forehead besting the Guinness minimum of 30 minutes. Little did I know that a week prior a 1-hour 1-minute attempt would be approved after my attempt, invalidating mine.

Here I am over a year later and this time I went for 1 hour 15 minutes 15 seconds. It was a lot more painful than I remember last time. I was hurting after just 6 minutes. Fortunately, I had some good conversations, and finally realized I could spit instead of gagging on my saliva (you can’t swallow while looking straight up it turns out).