Spinning Out of Control

Today’s record fit squarely in the easy category. It’s now much more difficult. The minimum mark set by Guinness was 11 minutes 57 seconds for the longest duration spinning a flying disc. It had to be on one hand but you could switch fingers (so long as it kept spinning and didn’t touch anything except one hand).

I was shooting to break the record and at least make it to 15 minutes. Six minutes in my thumb started to cramp and I wasn’t sure how long I was going to make it very long. I was standing in the back of a business review conference with 2 cameras on me and was able to switch fingers to give my thumb a break. It gave me a second wind and I kept going.

I had a hard stop 1 hour 35 minutes in to take a conference call but by the time I made it there, I didn’t want to stop. I got my headset on and kept going. I then took another conference call.

It wasn’t until three hours two minutes fifteen seconds (3:02:15) that the Frisbee spun and hit my shirt that the record attempt ended.

I was spinning at just over 110 revolutions per minute for over three hours. That means I made over 20,000 revolutions in a row. My arm and fingers felt super weird when I finally stopped but not in too much pain.

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