I didn’t know how long I was going to juggle when I started this one. I though the previous record was about 47 minutes but it had been broken recently and I didn’t find out until after that it was actually an hour and 2 minutes. Fortunatly, it didn’t matter.
I was going for the longest duration while standing on a balance board. This was my attempt to take back this record (it was my 75th broken before).
The juggling wasn’t so hard for me. I juggle for a couple hours at least every week (usually while running). I don’t drop often, and when I’m paying attention, I happens even more rarely.

Balancing on the roller board isn’t that hard for me either. I’ve spent a lot of time on a roller board. Sure, my legs got super sore and my feet fell asleep, but I can handle the pain.

The hard part for me is keeping the rolling board perpendicular to the cylindrical rock. When I first put it on, it’s great but once I’ve rolled back and for a few hundred times, it gets off-kilter. It makes it a lot harder to balancing and I even feared I might roll the rock off the board underneath. Before I was 40 minutes in, I was so off-kilter I wasn’t sure I was going to break the record. I worked hard not to panic or make too many sudden movements, but I think it’s luck as much as anything that the board eventually corrected itself which is what allowed me to continue far past my expectations. It did eventually get bad enough to cause me to fall off after 2 hours 39 minutes 56 seconds but it could have been a lot less.

The other challenging, and completly unexpected thing was how much my feed moved on the board I was standing on. I was wearing rubber-soled running shoes and had grip tape on the top of the board but my right foot moved forward and my left foot moved back and both feed moved in toward the center. I had to roll over to one side to take weight off one foot to wiggle it into a new position further out several times.

Once I fell off my legs were so stiff I had to march in place for a while to keep them from cramping but then I let out my “Come on!” and celebrated.