Today the 5 ball Guinness World Record speed juggling record of 330 catches in one minute was beaten by a 370 catch run at the Boise State Engineering and Science Festival!
3/15/2016 update: It’s Guinness Official (link to Guinness)!
The 2 minute Youtube video of the record:
Thank you to everyone (over 500!) who came out and I hope all you kids consider pursuing STEM degrees. Thank you also to the witnesses, timekeepers, photographers and videographers: I couldn’t have done it without you (credits below)!
This was the highest pressure show I’ve ever put on. It started with the official Guinness attempt – I had runs of 315 and about 300 catches, both over 50 seconds before a drop! I finally got it after several minutes of close calls and trying to calm my nerves. I then put on a 45-minute show promoting STEM education and emphasizing the power of setting your mind something and working hard to pursue it. Some of the content came from Carol Dweck’s “Mindset”.

Thank you to all who helped with the event:
Witnesses: George Mulhern, Matt Freeman and Greg Alexander. Timekeepers: Jeremy Cramer, David Murray and Steve Gilliam. Videographers: Andres Correa and Becky Beacham. Photographer: Jennifer Rush (my one and only). MC: Amy Moll. Event Organizer: Leandra Aburusa-Lete. Supporters: Family, friends, Cradlepoint coworkers and all you interested and Engineering and Science.

There were two talks on the agenda for the Simplot ballroom during the day: Astronaut Steve Swanson and me. (If I was going to get the same billing as an Astronaut, I was going to get my picture taken with him). We both had about 500 in attendance.

This is the first show I’ve had a line for autographs and pictures. Hopefully, those 20 kids grow up to be Engineers!

Congratulations, again!!
Congratulations on your new record for speed juggling 5 balls!
I am one of the editors of the Juggle Wiki, which (if you’re not aware of it) tracks juggling records which have publicly available video evidence (in addition to records recognized by Guinness, etc.).
In addition to setting a Guinness record, your 370 catch run surpassed the previous Juggle Wiki record of 353 catches set by Luca Pferdmenges in 2015 – video: https://www.facebook.com/L.pferdmenges/videos/1634654736779916/
I’d encourage you to try breaking some of the other records on the Juggle Wiki:
List of records in categories: http://juggle.wikia.com/wiki/World_records
Speed/slow juggling records: http://juggle.wikia.com/wiki/Speed_juggling#World_records