Bat Up Knee Down

Thanks for the Boise High Cross Country team for having me out Friday to give a short talk on the power of a growth mindset and then for cheering me on as I broke not just one, but two 100 meter Guinness World Records.

First up was fastest 100 meters run while balancing a baseball bat on one finger. I took off faster than normal and then halfway through I tipped the bat too far forward and had to speed up to catch up with it. I coasted to the finish just like Usain Bolt so as not to push it too hard and set not only my PR for 100-meter bat balance, but my 100 meter PR for any Guinness World Record attempt of mine at 14.28 seconds (beating the minimum mark of 20 seconds).

Next up was a more physically demanding (and more physically damaging) attempt: fastest 100 meters crawling. I was allowed to wear kneepads and gloves but make no mistake, my knees are still ripped up on both sides (and 2 places on the right). I was a bit tender from practicing on Tuesday still and the scabs came off during warmup. I then lined up at the start and after a ready, set, go! took off. I was doing great until my left kneepad started sliding down. I reached over to adjust it with my right hand but briefly had both my left and right hands off the track for a moment and the attempt was immediately disqualified. At least one hand and one knee have to be on the track at all times. Back to the start.

I took a one-minute breather and started again. 58. 22 seconds later I was collapsed on the track with my 73rd Guinness World Record!

It really helped to have all the students cheering me on and several were a great help filming and timing. Thank you! Crawling 100 meters is absolutely exhausting! I can understand now why toddlers learn to walk.

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