Chopping another Record Down

It’s not too often that I have real fear for my health and safety for a record attempt. I prepare, I practice, and I don’t take unnecessary risks. But a running chainsaw is an unstable object and the blade isn’t nearly far enough from my face for comfort.

If a running lawnmower falls off my chin it could either tip or slip off. If it tips the blades are far from my face and hands. If it slips the top of the lawnmower protects me. With a chainsaw, I have no such luxury on either account. If it tips the blade is right there where my hands want to be and if it slips off my chin the blade would come right for my face.

I tried this record a couple of times before I officially broke it but I was still terrified each time. I wore a helmet, gloves, a thick jacket, a neck gator, and long pants but I still felt vunerable.

The minimum mark set by Guinness World Records for this title was 10 meters. No one had apparently had the gumption or perhaps gall to break or possibly even attempt it before. I’m glad I have this one behind me and in the books.

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