Face it, Pushing a Balloon

So it turns out that pushing a balloon with the face is deceptively difficult.

I first tried this record a couple of years ago and after several failed attempts at making it no more than a few feet, I gave up and didn’t try again. Considering that a balloon is about the same density of air it could be inferred that moving through the air would offer significant resistance to a balloon’s desire to move (this is the super scientific way to say it). The rules also state the balloon has to remain in contact with the face at all times and you obviously can’t use your mouth or nose to bite or suck the balloon to your face.

I’d recently broken some 10 m records and was looking for others I might try with the tape already on the ground and found this one again. I decided to go after it with a growth mindset and despite way more failures and tries than I might care to admit for such a simple-looking Guinness World Records title, I finally got it. 4.93 seconds to push a ballon 10 meters with my face.

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