Grapes Fruit Ninja

Jonathan and I have retaken our grape slicing fruit ninja Guinness World Records title once again.

This was the Swiss exercise ball variety.

The first time we broke it a couple of years ago we were thrilled to nearly double the record for the most grapes sliced in one minute while standing on a Swiss exercise ball with 37. That mark was broken by a run of 55 in a minute by another team. We came back and sliced 59 grapes in one minute. Technically we got 60, but one of them was disqualified since it was thrown before the previous grape was either sliced or hit the ground. 66 grapes were thrown, 60 were sliced through, and 59 counted.

This is one of the most dangerous records I’ve done because not only is the samurai sword razor-sharp and has a very pointy end, the Swiss ball is extremely difficult to balance on, and swinging a sword either up or down over 130 times in one minute to slice a fast-moving small grape is an effort ripe with difficulty.

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