Milk was a Bad Choice

I downed 500ml of milk. The record was for fastest time to drink 250ml of milk through a straw. I had enough milk for 6-7 tries but I really only wanted to do one. My wife: “You’re going to try it 6 or 7 times!?!?”.  Me: “No! I’m going to get it this time!” That’s the power of a growth mindset. Guinness World Record #63.

My son: “Can I have some?? Me: “No you can’t have any of this one. I need every drop”. Me right after the record attempt: filling the container with whole milk and giving the straw for my son who then proceeds to say “Ready, set, go!” before chugging milk.

It took me two tries since the first try the straw kept sticking to the bottom of the container. Josh tried it right after me and got it in 6.53 seconds. The new world record is 5.80 seconds.

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